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Monday, May 31, 2004

Sitting in the Dandelions to Chat

You are going to Marry Josh Hartnett. He is really
shy, but don't let that fool you. He is really
outgoing and sweet with those he loves and will
be loyal to them for the rest of his life.

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

GaladrieloftheOlden commented. I feel all warm and special inside. Hmmm...I get Josh Hartnett a lot on these quizzes. I don't particularly like him, though. He seems like a nice enough kid, I suppose.

I saw Daniel Radcliffe on Regis and Kelly. He's actually rather fine. He's only almost fifteen, though. The clip of him with a Hippogriff wasn't bad...good effects. A lot of people commented both that the new movie was darker and had better effects. Darker is always better with movies, in my opinion. I'm not a huge "giggly movie" fan. I just get bored with them. I'm also not a huge fan of wrapping everything up in a nice neat package at the end. I really hope David Chase doesn't do that next week with the finale of the Sopranos. I think Carmella and/or Christopher and/or Finn are going to die. I know Tony B's gone, unless he usurps Tony somehow. I can't see them actually killing off Tony S, though.

Well, just commenting on how much I appreciate GaladrieloftheOlden's comment. Namaste.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that just made me feel really special. Damnit, my ego's exploding! :-P


6:07 PM  

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