That's a link to the New York Times review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I hadn't read it before - even after I finished the book the first time. It's very interesting - and very true.
I still stick to my assertion that Snape isn't evil. Based on this book, I think they give us all of the elements to put together the fact that Dumbledore told Snape that, when it comes down to it, he will have to kill him in order to keep up the facade of his devotion to Voldmort. As Dumbledore said the whole book, "My life is useless." It was Harry Potter that now mattered, as he will be the one to face Voldemort in the end. Dumbledore sacrificed himself - and possibly Snape (I still don't know how that will play out) in order to give Harry the drive and ability to succeed. I think Snape might live: through mercy Harry will continue to gain his power. Voldemort may kill Snape: I don't know. I just can't seen Severus surviving to the end of the story.
But Dumbledore spends this whole time giving Harry the tools he needs to survive - showing him all the memories, telling him everything, as though he expects to die, leaving Harry in charge of the quest. He told Harry about the remaining Horcruxes so that Harry can find them himself, and allowed himself to get injured beyond repair. Then he stunned Harry so that he could not interfere when Snape came and killed him. I think Dumbledore wanted Snape - a man already responsible for death - to kill him, rather than Draco Malfoy, thus introducing an innocent to the evils of murder.
Draco couldn't do it anyway: he even said that when he was crying in the bathroom. I still have some degree of sympathy for the little dickweed, though. I don't know why.
But Dumbledore almost told Harry why he trusts Snape - in "The Seer Overheard", page 349 in the American version.
My Garden In The Clouds
I need a new description here. Anyone got any suggestions?
*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Sunday, July 24, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Sorry I haven't written in a while. So I'm up to page 408, for those of you who are worried about spoilers and the like. I just kind of wanted somewhere where I can talk about it. First I'm going to copy-paste what I typed elsewhere to get the momentum going:
> Kill: Snape (Actor notwithstanding - I still hate
> him, especially after reading the 2nd chapter - hee
> now I'M evil)
turtlegirl, turtlegirl, turtlegirl - and I think so highly of you. How can you not know a skilled Occlumens utilizing his craft when you see it? Snape's face grew oddly quiet, registering no emotion - he was using Occlumency as he lied, saying he'd look out for Draco - in case anyone tried to see if he were lying. Then, I think we all noticed the hand twitch - Snape realized that he just signed his own death warrant in allowing the spell to be completed. It's not that he was twitching out of some remorse for going against Dumbledore - it's just that he knew he was trapped now. And Snape would - and now it seems will - die for Harry, much as he hates him. He will not see the Dark Lord return to full power, which he cannot do as long as Harry lives. What was he supposed to do: Cissy and Bella are great links to have. Cissy tells him things that even Voldemort probably does not. J.K. would also never make something like that so obvious - "Oh, here's Snape, he's going to kill Harry" - that's not how it's going to work. It's Snape's job to get inside - make Voldemort believe he's working for him. His excuses, even in my estimation, and I'm a forgiving person, were so crappy I'm surprised Voldemort let him go - I guess he couldn't detect a lie, so he took the load of b.s. at face value.
And am I the only weirdo who had to put the book down and cry for ten minutes after hearing that Madame Bones and Emmeline Vance were dead? It was just so unexpected at that point that minor characters that we knew - and that were good people - were just going to *poof!* be dead at the beginning of the book. I hardened myself to the idea by the time Ollivander and Florean Fortescue disappeared, though, so I should be all right now.
Does anyone else see a Weasley dying? It's such a big family and every member is somehow deeply involved in the fight - even Fred and George are providing the shielded hats to the Ministry. Do you think Mrs. Weasley herself might go? That would be horrible...but she would prefer herself to one of her kids.
"Mollywobbles" - I want to call someone that.
And regarding Draco: *first wanders and retrieves her metal softball bat, then thinks it might be better to get her mother's rifle instead* But I want it to hurt. That little least Lucius has a degree of intelligence and charisma. Lucius knew exactly what he was doing - what he was getting himself into. Draco's being used like kindling - just to get burned. There's a part of me that actually has a bit of sympathy for Cissy - having to watch her son, knowing he'll be killed, and also having a husband in prison. Then the other part of me says, "Well, you're workin' for the Dark Lord. Whaddaya want?"
And Inferi, huh? Anyone else seeing Voldemort using Sirius' body soon? Playing Harry's little heartstrings and the like. And for the record, Harry's cooler this year - a little less angsty thus far.
"Won't, won't, won't, won't!" - one of the funniest things ever, I think. He's going to wreck all the school food when he can.
Neville got one of Ollivander's last wands - anyone else find this a little fishy? I'm not sure I trust the wand entirely...there's got to be something more to it. Either that or I'm just reading into everything way too much.
It was funny: I was reading on the couch while my mom was looking at the paper, and I read the part where they announce that Sluggy is going to be teaching Potions. I actually sat bolt upright and said, "What?!" Then when they said Snape would be taking over DADA, I said, "Ummm...yay...?" But you know, I think if Harry learns to tone down his temper, he could excel in DADA this year - Snape does really know what he's talking about, and Harry's already got the raw talent and instinct, along with knowledge of elementary spells. I want to see what Dumbledore's going to be teaching him this year.Anyone else think Dumbledore's acting a little funny? And what's with the hand? What happened to him? He couldn't be held with an Imperius Curse - he's too strong...and I'd rule out Polyjuice Potion at this point in the game.
I still don't believe Snape is going to really help Draco. I think he's going to forfeit his life for Harry. It could just be my immense respect and devotion to Snape somewhere in my little head, but I really don't think Snape would come this far in our minds just to go back to Voldemort.
And I think that Sluggy did do something that helped Voldemort gain power - and is most guilty about it. That might also mean that he knows how to combat whatever powerful bits of information he gave him - he seems to be a really intelligent man despite his Slytherin-esque pursuing of power and acquaintance with people in high places.
How much you want to bet that Tonks' Patronus is a large shaggy dog? I thought that immediately when Snape said it was "weak" and Tonks looked shocked and furious. She's going to die in the fight too, I think. She's so miserable without Sirius - even though she has other family, she doesn't seem to be spending time with them...could she be in contact with Voldemort? No, she wouldn't - would she? Just had the thought. Could explain the guilt and the bedraggled looks...
Draco might be the one sending all the stuff to try to kill Harry, though that might be too obvious a choice. He's trying to get it to him in other ways - Katie giving it to someone who would give it to him (or to Dumbledore). Giving the mead to Sluggy to give to Dumbledore means that Dumbledore would probably offer some to Harry. You know, Hermione kept giving Harry looks for the Bezoar, but Harry did remember it from his Potions book: and he'll probably never forget it. He's learning all sorts of spells and defenses from his book - really learning them, it seems. So it isn't all that bad.
It probably is Voldemort's old book...or...or...OOO! Could it be? Do we know what Snape's handwriting looks like? Maybe Snape planted the books, knowing Harry didn't have his, since he wouldn't get an "Outstanding" owl. Or it's Snape's handwriting from when he was in school? I don't know when Snape wrote it, but wouldn't it be interesting if Dumbledore, Snape and co. planted that book for Harry in order to teach him more spells than he'd normally know? Give him more tools to defeat the Dark Lord...Someone: am I crazy? I don't think I am!
And is anyone else really hoping Harry and Ginny get together? And we know Hermione and Ron ("Won-Won") have to get together - that's a given. If Ron'll just stop snogging Lavender, and Hermione stop snogging anyone who'll make Ron angry. Fleur's cracking me up too, actually...and Ginny in general is quickly becoming my favorite. Although Luna's Rotfang comments in front of Sluggy, Trelawney and Snape was just brilliant. I wish she'd elaborated on Snape's reaction - both to being dragged over by Sluggy and to Luna's comment. I really hope she finds someone nice...Neville, perhaps - she was with him when Harry found them on the train.