*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Monday, February 28, 2005


Okay, now before I relate this story, I just want you to know that I'm not at all squeamish about blood. I don't care about seeing it at all - which leaves my explanation for what happened.

I donated blood to the Red Cross today at my school. Yippee! Yeah, so I went there third period, since I had a free then. To start out with, they didn't take me until about fourth period. Then everything went well: I answered their preliminary questions, they stuck the needle in and it was fine. I filled up the pint and they took the needle out and it was all good. They bandaged me up, I sat up, then stood and walked over to the table with the cookies and juice (and water). I got a juice and some cookies. I opened the cookies and took one bite. Suddenly, I felt a little sick to my stomach and my head felt weird. Then everything started going black and it was as though there was something clogging my ears. Next thing I know, I'm on the floor with a bunch of people around me. It was the first time I ever fainted. Apparently I was out for about half a second, but it was like you see in the movies according to my friends: Moira heard a little "eep!" sound as I started to black out, then my eyes rolled back and I just fell over. But, anyway, I'm fine. I lay there with the cold paper towel on my head for a while. Then I took the towel off and ate the cookies and drank the juice. Then I slowly sat, eventually moved back into the chair, then finally stood up when the thought of doing so didn't make me dizzy.

So, I ended up missing two classes. But, hopefully it will do a lot of the 4-letter word starting with "s" and ending in "w" with a "no" in the middle tonight and I'll be able to sleep!

That's about all that's new with me. Namaste.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Yes, that's it, I got an account at imageshack.us so that I can upload all the piccy-pics I want to.
I have my own album with all the links and everything.

Here are some thumbnails. I figured out how to put pictures in! I'm "special". Actually, the first is my profile picture on here. They're - eh - halfway decent pictures, I'd say. The third isn't my favorite: you can see the profile of my nose and I kind of hate my nose.

Anyway, not much new. Just thought I'd announce the beautiful new addition of pics to your life. And have fun in New York! It's supposed to snow tonight. Hope you don't get caught in it...1-3" tonight and 4-6" early morning. Namaste.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Hey, Carley, if you want to read the transcripts for Season One of Deadwood, I printed them out. Just ask me about them. It's a great show. Actually, my Art History Masterpiece of the Week is supposedly an article by AW Merrick, the author of The Pioneer, the local newspaper of the Black Hills. Mr. Leistler says that he's thinking of buying Season One on DVD, since he hasn't seen it yet. Brilliant show...the writing is definitely the Shakespeare of today with the awesome cadence and tone. It sounds, like I've said before, just like Mamet. Actually, I was watching a Mamet movie the other night - with Ricky Jay, coincidentally - and I noticed the similarities of writing. Ricky Jay is in most of Mamet's stuff, and is also in Season One of Deadwood. Apparently he doesn't come back for Season Two, though. Ricky Jay also plays Eddie Sawyer, the dealer in the Bella Union Saloon in Deadwood.

And yes, I'm a big enough dork that I did that during my snow-in on Monday: I printed out the Season One Transcript. The girl that copied it is very amusing actually: she added her own comments here and there. She seems to like Sol and Dan like I do. Actually, Al's my favorite character. If you start watching it right now, you'd hate him (hate him, hate him, hate him) for the first few episodes, but you'll grow to absolutely love him. He's such a complex character and he has such strong morals. They're so different from our morals, but they're very powerful self-codes nonetheless. He does what he feels he needs to do, and typically he only kills people who really deserve it.

Oh, Isabel, when I get around to actually being at home to post (I have rehearsal today and tomorrow), I'm actually going to insert a picture in my profile. I took some pictures the other day and (after a long search) found the cord to hook the camera to my computer. Now I just need to upload them, probably at http://www.imageshack.us (great site) and post the image into my signature. I'm pretty sure I can do that without the technology it takes to post the images in your blog (you need to get "Hello Bot" to do that here...it's free if you have a blog, but I've been too lazy to download it). Anyway, Carley can tell you whether it's a good picture or not. I photograph horribly, I think, which is why I hardly ever let people take pictures of me. The ones I took the other day are half-way decent, I think.

So, big a dork as I am, I officially joined the HBO site. That way, if there are any chats with Deadwood actors (I hope John Hawkes...I'm in love with that man...or Ian McShane, he plays Al Swearengen) or any other actors I like from the TV shows, I can go on and chat.

You know, I totally can't remember whether I locked my car when I got to school today. I got to drive again, so I had my mom's car...but technically I'm not allowed to go down there until the end of the day. I'll check then, I guess. I doubt anything would happen to it. I'm pretty sure I remember locking it, and if someone really wanted to get in anyway, they would. But I don't have anything valuable in the car...shit: except for all my riding stuff, including my saddle. Oh well, I'll check. I don't think anything'll be gone. I was kind of sleepy when I arrived this morning, even though I got an extra hour because I didn't have a class first, so I could do Senior Sleep. But I had to grab a spot in the Senior Overflow Lot, and was in a hurry to get up the stairs...my least favorite part of driving. You know, I don't mind going up during the afternoon or evening, but seeing those stairs - I swear there are like fifty - in the morning is just painful. It's like "Okay, up one flight...and damn it: there's another!" Anyway, I have to go: class ends in five minutes and I have no clue what I have next...I think probably art. Namaste.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Well, isn't that how one's supposed to start every sentence? Actually, I saw the promo for the upcoming season last night after Carnivale. The new season of The L Word started last night too.

I really don't have much to say, to be entirely honest. I'm kind of snowed in, so I don't have a lot to do. I'm kind of watching the trailers for Deadwood on my computer and the like. Actually, I'm using the main Season Two poster that I saved off the HBO site as my desktop wallpaper at the moment. It has a picture of Al, Seth, Trixie and Alma and it says "Fortune Come With A Price." I'm so tempted to buy the "Gold Digger" t-shirt they sell for women at the HBO store. I want to buy Season 1 so that I can still watch it when it's taken off HBO On Demand, but it's $99 and I'm cheap. Maybe I'll ask for it for my birthday or something.

You know, the problem with Carnivale is that it's like they're having a lovely contest entitled, "How Weird Can You Get?" Pretty damn weird, actually. I was like, "Oh!...Goodness..." when they showed Scutter dipping his face in the Sulfuric Acid. And then when Management attacked and killed(?) Scutter, I said, "What the hell...?" And you know, I still want to know what's so great about Sabina's act. She's supposedly "The Scorpion Lady", and I can see that her hands, among other things, are deformed, but we still haven't seen why she's typically the star of most shows. She gets percent cuts of the entire earnings. Anyway, she came in (under management's orders) to work for the Carnivale to try to keep Samson out of the way for when Management tried to kill Scutter. I think they're going to keep her around though. I mean they can't say she has a "brilliant act" and then not show us, can they?

And I want to know where Sofie's gone. She left the Carnivale finally and Jonesey's with what's-her-name, the prostitute/stripper now. And I think Sofie's pregnant: she had sex with Ben right before she left and there had to be a reason, since there's so rarely just blatant sex in the show. She's carrying on the Hawkins legacy so that the next one can fight evil/be evil (it seems to switch back and forth, since Justin is Management's son from Russia, and Management was the Russian soldier).

Oh, it says that Carnivale's premiering on March 6 at 9:00...that's Carnivale's spot. That means that next week has to be the last Carnivale, non? Maybe it'll be the series finale. I mean they can't drag this on too much longer: Scutter named Alexey/Brother Justin as Ben's enemy and Ben knows who he is and what he has to do. Yeah, well so that's basically it. Namaste.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Cute quizzes...

I just remembered that I had an account at tickle.com. It used to be emode.com. So therefore, I spent some of yesterday evening doing some of the quizzes. Have you noticed how personality quizzes are so addicting? Anyway, my old Dominic Monaghan Forum shut down, so I was looking at starDOM, apparently the one his publicist favors. They have links to various personality quizzes that are adorable. Here are some of the answers:

"You and Dom"
You met......when your car breaks down and he stops to help. (Awww)
You fell when......he surprised you with a picnic in the park.
He fell when......you tripped in front of every one but held your composure.
Together you......were the perfect couple.
You broke up......when it was just time to move on. (WHY?)

"When Will You Meet Dom?"
you will meet... ...in the afterlife (Well, that bites)
he will say... ...'Have you seen Billy!?' (Where? I want to, though!)
you will... ...get married (Duh...wait, but we're dead!)

"Which sexy aspect of Dom are you?"
You Love... ...the eyeliner (Boys in eyeliner do rock...Brandon Flowers...)

"What Dom Thinks of You"
You meet him walking in a secluded forest
His first impression of you Lust at first sight (Hehe...)
His favourite thing about you Your laugh
His least favourite thing about you You're afraid of his weird pets (I love tarantulas, though!)
He wants to Have a threesome with you and Billy (Erm...)
You meet him when he flashes you at the House of Blues
His first impression of you Nice body! (You better believe it)
His favourite thing about you Your intelligence
His least favourite thing about you You won't swallow (Erm...)
He wants to Kiss you deeply
Not really going to touch that one. I like the first one better...which says a lot about the second.

"You cheated on Dominic Monaghan!" (No, I didn't! Really!)
With Who Sean B (at least I have good taste)
When A couple of months later (than what?)
How Many Times 90 ( goodness)
Where At an awards show
Why Dom was too flirty

"Why Does Dominic Monaghan Love You?" (Isn't it self-explanatory?)
Why He doesn't (HEY!)
How he shows it Diamonds and pearls (But...wait...no...confused)
Does it last? Nope (well, apparently it didn't start)
His parents think You're sweet (awww...danke)
Your parents think You should get married
OR (since I didn't like that one too much)...
Why: You're sweet
How he shows it: A rosepetal bath (Rowr)
Does it last?: Duh! No! (Hey, now!)
His parents think: You look like a stripper (I've been told that before, actually...)
Your parents think: He's with your best friend.
Damn it...try again...
Why: You're a good kisser (you better believe it)
How he shows it: Diamonds and pearls
Does it last?: No (okay, you know what, damn you)
His parents think: You're bratty
Your parents think: He's ugly (well, my mom does, actually)
Last time...I swear...using all the different combinations of my name...OOO! And we have a winner!
Why: You're the best he can get (I can live with that)
How he shows it: He writes you a song (Aww...sucker for poetry and song am I)
Does it last?: Yep (Boo-yah)
His parents think: You look like a stripper (I can live with that, too)
Your parents think: He's with your best friend.

Okay, moving on from that quiz...
"Which ranDOM picture of Dominic Monaghan are you?" (Okay, the "Dom" puns are getting old):
Okay, I don't have a favorite color...I'll just go for my favorite colorS and post the links
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Merenwen/DOM/Dom14.jpg (he pulls off yellow...how'd that happen?)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Merenwen/DOM/Dom%20Billy/BillyDom12.jpg (fee too many martoonis there, bud?)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Merenwen/DOM/Lost/Charlie/Charlie32.jpg (woo, driveSHAFT!)
His eyes are very pretty.

"Dominic Monaghan Love"
You will meet him: By accident
He will say: " Heaven sent you- go back and give them some of my money."
You will say: " Umm...I don't drink alchohol but, I think...I mean, I've never been this giddy...You must be my intoxication." (Okay, no, I have way better pick-up lines than that)
Afterward you will: Go clubbing together and he will put his arms around you and dance with you until you can no longer breath and you can't feel your feet (or hips, because from what I hear, Dom likes to grind). Then he takes you home with him and kisses you lightly until you fall asleep on his bed in his arms.
You will hang out: Constantly.In fact, didn't you move in with him? (I'm not movin' to L.A. no matter what)
Is it bad?: NooOoooOoo
Best part: he makes you feel like an angel.

Haha! This one's priceless:
How will Dominic Monaghan Kiss you?
Where On the kitchen floor ("You make me wanna lala...in the kitchen on the floor"...awful song)
When 2010 (I'll be 22 or 23 then)
How A little bit o' tongue
Who was watching His mom, who fainted.

Which Dominic Monaghan Are You?
You are Bouncy TRL Dom! Cheeky, hyper, and constantly moving, you bounced your way through your interview, humped Sean, danced like a crazy man, and stuck your butt in the air while jumping on a couch. We love you. We really, really do. Full throttle!

Well, duh. That's me. Anyway, links here: http://www.dommonaghan.com/fun.htm If any of you are curious about them.

And join tickle.com...they have nice quizzes too. They're all about auras and animals and love and all that jazz. And watch out: personality quizzes are definitely addicting. Well, that's my quiz section. Namaste.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My mix...

I'm listening to my mix. Have I ever told you what I put on it? Actually, it worked out really well, surprisingly. It flows well - better than you'd think looking at the song. Well, this is my list:
1. Hello - Evanescence
2. Songbird - Eva Cassidy/Love Actually Soundtrack
3. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
4. I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan Soundtrack
5. Tourniquet - Evanescence
6. Imaginary - Evanescence
7. The Factory Song - Seven Nations
8. Are You Gonna Be My Girl - JET
9. The Big Yellow Bus - Seven Nations
10. Here With Me - Dido
11. Cold Hard Bitch - JET
12. Take Me As I Am - Wyclef Jean/Love Actually Soundtrack
13. On Love, In Sadness - Jason Mraz
14. Through With You - Maroon 5
15. I'll Do Anything - Jason Mraz
16. The Ballad of Calvin Crozier - Seven Nations
17. Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
18. Asleep for Days - Seven Nations
19. Pieces - Dan Powell/A Knight's Tale Soundtrack
20. Who Needs Shelter - Jason Mraz
21. Waiting For Midnight - Seven Nations
22. Eye Conqueror - Third Eye Blind/A Knight's Tale Sountrack
23. Cell Block Tango - Chicago Sountrack
24. Rollover D.J. - JET
25. This Season - Seven Nations
26. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Olivia Olson/Love Actually Soundtrack
27. Believe Me Natalie - The Killers

I put Tourniquet and Imaginary together because it's really obvious that they're almost connected - one leads into the other so well. I like Linkin Park and all, and their CDs are on my iTunes, but I don't really listen to them much anymore. These are really just my favorite songs - my top 27 to be exact. And for the record: Seven Nations is awesome. And "On Love, In Sadness" is my favorite Jason Mraz song. Actually, it's just because of the line, "Oh, love, it's a brittle madness, I sing about it in all my sadness, it's not falsified to say that I found God." I chose Hello to start off because it made sense to me to start off with "Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to, hello." And then I finish it off with Believe me Natalie with "This is your last chance to find a go-go dance to disco now" and those lyrics. And also, we know everything ends with Brandon Flowers of The Killers.

Well, that's about it. See my comments on your blog, Carley. Namaste.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


So, what did I do during the dance? There's a question for the ages...no, it isn't actually. I watched two episodes of Deadwood. I love that show. I now order you all to find a way to watch Season One before Season Two starts next month. I love that show so much. If you all just see the first, you have to stick with it: you can't really get into it with the pilot. And the writing is brilliant - actually I agree with my parents' assessment that it's Mamet-esque. And actually the guy that plays Eddie is in a lot of Mamet productions, so maybe he is related to the production of it.

Anyway, if/when you first see the show: you'll see a character named Al Swearengen (played by Ian McShane, who won a Golden Globe for the performance this year) who you'll assume is the "bad guy". I mean, he smacks Trixie, one of the whore's at his saloon, The Gem, around after she shoots a guy in the head for roughing her up. However, Al is one of the most complex characters I think I've ever seen. I love him so much. And I mean when Cy Tolliver comes to town and you see him torture and kill the siblings that try to rob him. Although Flora, the girl, was a real bitch. I actually didn't feel sorry for her watching it this second time. My dad didn't want to see it again, so I watched it on my own this morning.

If you're at all curious, here's the complete Season One guide from TV Tome (my source for TV shows, kind of like how the Internet Movie Database gives me all my movie information):

My favorite character is probably Al Swearengen. He's just so awesome. One of my favorite quotes from Season One is:
Al: *of the men that frequent the saloons* You know, sometimes I just wish we could hit them over the head, rob them, and throw their bodies in the creek.
Cy: *sarcastically* But that would be wrong.

My next favorite character is Sol Star. He's Seth Bullock's partner and they've known each other since Seth (and therefore probably Sol, since they're about the same age) was about seventeen. Sol is so sensible, especially next to Seth's eternal male PMS.
Seth: *grouchily (is he ever any other way?) about Al's anti-Semitic remarks* Did you hear what he called you?
Sol: I've been called worse by better.

And Sol loves Trixie, Al's favorite whore. Although Al loves Trixie a lot too. Actually, in the end of the episode where Cy kills the kids (the episode's called Suffer the Little Children: tres telling, non?), there's a scene at the end I love. Trixie had just messed up with suicide and had decided to live (Doc Cochrane told her that he would do the job right for her if she really wanted to die...Brad Dourif - Wormtongue in The Lord of the Rings - plays him brilliantly, he's another one of my favorite characters). So Trixie goes back to The Gem and goes up to the bedroom where Al's dozing. She puts some gold on the table (long story), and he looks up at her. The whole scene is silent. He looks at her arm, which she covers, since that's where she tried to kill herself. He takes her arm, but she refuses to remove her right hand. He forces her right hand away and looks at the mark, then up at her with a little surprise. She slaps him, then proceeds to undress and go to sleep. He looks at her and then the episode's about over. Just the scene where she slaps him and he doesn't respond is so telling. I mean this is the guy that orders a killing about every episode. It shows that, although he treats her roughly, he really loves her.

Actually, you see that Al does have a very developed personal moral code that he sticks to unfailingly. For example, if Flora and Miles had tried to steal from him, yes he would have killed him, since he would have seen them as a threat. But he wouldn't have tortured them: it would have been quick and quiet. No one would have known about it. Or maybe he wouldn't have killed them. He has been known to just give people a horse and tell them to get out of town and never show their face again (Jack McCall after he gets off for killing Wild Bill Hickock).

Well, now that I've drooled over that enough (I want to marry John Hawkes - Sol on the show)...I'll just go now. Namaste.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Valentine's Day...

...is on Monday. Woohoo. See the excitement dance across my eager face. Hehe, I'm so terrible when I don't have anyone on Valentine's Day. However, Sierra did give everyone in art class a Valentine and Alyssa sent me a Candy Gram.

So, I think you all missed the phallic balloon fight that Laura, Lani and I had from about 1:50-2:00 pm (last period). We found some balloons sitting on the senior table and blew them up and realized they had an - erm - interesting shape...and they had faces on the end, which made them even slightly weirder. So then we had two blown up, and we were smacking each other up on the landing and down in the senior hallway. It was so funny...we kept yelling things like, "Don't hit me with your penis!" and "You poked me...now you have to marry me!" The looks on everyone's faces were priceless.

So I started watching Deadwood reruns with my dad the other day. I love that show. We should have a marathon - a small one, even, if people don't have the patience - somewhere where someone has HBO On Demand...besides my house, since that couldn't work.

Interesting end to a Barrow-Downs discussion. It was about whether Gondor had a more sophisticated/advanced culture than Hobbits. I asserted, as Bokkie, that their needs were so different that one couldn't really compare them. Here's the end of the discussion (that actually lasted about 25 minutes):
Bokkie: Hobbits have different values and needs. It's like comparing chimpansees with oranges... (to make a proper gap...)
Aldarion: The only persons who might think that the Hobbits posess the more developed culture are Henry Thoreau and the the Unibomber :P
* VanimaEdhel has a mental image of an orange swinging from a tree...
Bokkie: Good good...
* Bokkie will start preparing bombs
Aldarion: *giggle*
VanimaEdhel: Who knows, that might be in the direction that the show Lost will go next: killer oranges...I mean they've had polar bears on the desert island already, why not hostile fruit?
Bokkie: I do not compare incomparable things...
Bokkie Vanima: whatever Walt will think up next... 8-))
Ancalagon: return of the killer tomatos
Ancalagon: classic
Aldarion: *giggle*
* Ancalagon points out that most oranges do swing a bit in trees when it is windy
* VanimaEdhel points out that the oranges on trees typically don't have little furry rears, two long arms, and highly developed feet.
VanimaEdhel: Good, I'm not the only one that watches that. *sighs with relief*
Aldarion: hehehe
* Ancalagon points out that infected oranges indeed will grow fur and in rare cases get old enough to move on their own
* Bokkie hugs VanimaEdhel
* VanimaEdhel hugs Bokkie
Bokkie: Lost is ace!
* VanimaEdhel points out that this discussion has rapidly deteriorated, as it has evolved into the disussion of oranges with furry rears and Lost.
Bokkie: Yay for randomisity!
* Ancalagon is known to have this influence on discussions

Well, that's about it. Namaste!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


So, take a wild guess the one thing that could screw me up...yes, that's right, a dream about the guy from a year and a half ago. Take a wild guess what I had last night? Yes. Now I'm about back where I was mentally about - oh - maybe six months ago. Fuck. God damn dreams...I hate that my mind always knows exactly what dreams to play in my mind. Did I want that dream? Yes: that's why my mind gave it to me..did I really "want" that dream? No, because as I said, I'm now sitting here as though it were six months ago.

Have you noticed, Carley, that people are never in their offices when you want them? I had to drop something off with the assistant headmaster. He wasn't there, neither was his secretary. Then I went to the Registrar's Office to get a student parking sticker. Was she there? No. Was anyone in the Upper School Office so I could drop off my Student Driving Permission? Not when I checked, no. This is my only free, so I'll run around after school, I guess. I left what I had to leave in the assistant headmaster's office with a note on the desk.

Actually the dream last night was weird. When I came in school today, I felt like pulling a Dorothy: "I had the strangest dream. And you were there...and you...and you..." Let's see...Moira was in it, Jake, Laura...you weren't there, though. Oddly enough. But it took place over the span of about three months - the dream, that is. It started in August and ended in about November or December. It was like a movie: flash forward three months, and here's our heroine.

Hmm...I don't have Tommy rehearsal this week. That's sad...but at the same time it means I can get to sleep at a humane hour every night.

Well, I'm a-gonna go. Namaste.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Blah, blah, blah...

That's my impression of talk, not my general outlook. Considering that I have a lot of work and it's an awkward time of month, I'm in a pretty good mood. I don't even know why: nothing particularly good happened, but, then again, nothing bad happened.

Why am I writing? Well, don't ask me, I don't even know. I had nothing else to do: Carley's in history, Laura's in something or other, Alyssa has bio, Moira has something, Jake has...history...maybe? There wasn't really anyone in the lunch room. I usually have Calc now, but my teacher's out...which is always worrisome. He's never out unless something big's going on in his life.

I vote that we not have school for the rest of the year and just give me a diploma now. After thirteen years, I'm just kind of tired. That's why I was happy that it smelled like spring outside: it means that summer and, thus, sleep are rapidly (well, not so rapidly) approaching.

Oo...the teacher behind me just said the word "sleep" as I typed sleep. I love when that happens. Makes me concentrate on sleep more. GAH! Darn computer: why does it randomly change where the curser is? Suddenly it was up in the "There wasn't really anyone in the lunch room" area when I was trying to type "concentrate" so it said "there wasn't really centanyone..." I fixed it, though, as you can see.

So, Carley, again, see your blog about what I posted in comments right before coming here. I have an interesting hypothesis. I don't say it here because people that we don't want to know some stuff do have the link to this. So, therefore careful in your comments. I'll write all about myself, but I want my readers to be aware that anything they post can and may be used against them through other readers. Now, while Isabel is of little harm (love you anyway, BoSox girl), people from our school also see this, even if they don't post comments.

Speaking of what we were speaking of...I think it's time I found a new boyfriend or girlfriend or something. I haven't really had one since I fell out of contact with Phil almost two years ago. I guess you could call Anna over the summer (not any Anna from Hackley, but one I met in Chautauqua)...but not really. That lasted all of...um...a day, maybe.

I was talking with Natalie in my grade today about how there are no guys in our grade. So many girls resort to juniors, sophomores, and yes, a few even to freshmen. They aren't going out with them, but it's more a they would go out with them given the opportunity. The guys in my grade are so boring...and we've all always hated each other. I hear about all this drama and intrigue involving crushes and loves and all that in your grade, and we seniors always lament that we never had anything close to that ever. The closest thing to drama we ever had was Middle School stuff...like Caroline kicking Joe in the balls and Nick throwing Caroline's shoe out the window and Caroline dating - erm - everyone. Nothing big ever happened though, because really we just don't care about each other enough to have that happen. I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing. It's good for us in that it isn't fun to go through it, but it's bad in that we have nothing to look back on and laugh at ("Oh my God, I liked him? And we were fighting over him?").

Okay, so I guess that's about it. I still have 15 minutes to do what I want this period. So, hang in there Carley, and remember my words of wisdom (at least I hope they are) in your blog...get inspiration from those if nothing else. Namaste.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Okay, what a waste of a song I have stuck in my head: Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson. If I'm going to have something stuck in my head it should at least be a good song by a a decent artist...or Tommy. I would understand if I had those songs stuck in my head. But where did this come from? I don't even listen to the radio anymore, except for WXRK (K-Rock) and my mom's the one that watches MTV.

So...I was going to say something, but I completely forget what it was. Maybe I'll ramble for a time and it'll come back to me:

I watched the SAG (Screen Actors' Guild) awards last night. Johnny Depp was there. You know, when/if I get married, I want my partner to look half that good at that age. Johnny just doesn't age: great bone structure. He's so beautiful. You know, I could gush about him longer than I can gush about anyone else. I didn't get to see Finding Neverland and that has Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet: two of my favorite actors. Kate Winslet is gorgeous. My uncle said that I have some Winslet qualities about me, but I don't think so at all. I wish I could look have as beautiful as she does. And you know who else is absolutely breathtaking all the time? Cate Blanchett. And her husband is so average looking. But Cate just always appears so striking and put-together, and she's almost ethereal. It's like she floats down the red carpet for all of these functions, and her husband kind of plods along after her. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but...she's just so...I don't even know if there's a word for it.

My question is how Jennifer Garner won best Female Lead in a Drama Series. I've never seen Alias, but I've never been a big fan of hers. It is adorable that they play "All You Everybody" by driveSHAFT and that her character is supposedly a fan of the band (that's the band that Charlie Pace - Dominic Monaghan - is in on Lost. I love when shows on a station kind of cross over like that. Some web comics do that too. Speaking of which, I haven't read either of my usual web comics in about two or three weeks.

About the dance: if I go, I'm definitely going to go just to see all the adorable boys dressed up. I have a dress I could wear, and I don't mind being the same color as my looseleaf paper in my binder at the moment. I know that in a month and a week or two, I'll be off to Florida, actually maybe at the same time as Alyssa.

And you know, since I can drive, getting to and from the dance shouldn't be a big deal at all.

Oh, I was about to say something regarding your blog, Carley, but someone who I would be referring to might read this so I'll just post it on your blog, okay? So if your checking this before you check your blog (I actually check your blog before I post on mine typically), then jet over there, because I'm about to go back and say something.

Hmm...I don't think I remember what I was going to say. Oh well...I'll come back if I remember. Namaste.

Friday, February 04, 2005

I can drive...

Yup, that's right, I finally got around to getting my senior license. Now I'm on the insurance plan, so I can drive wherever I want whenever I want. Now I just need a car.

How am I? I'm okay, I guess. I'm better than the last time Carley asked that. I still don't know if I want to talk about it though. I'll probably tell someone eventually, that always happens, but I think I'll have to wait a week or so. Then the poor person who happens to be with me will get an earful of what they don't want to hear.

I've actually been pretty busy. When i'm not in rehearsal, I'm usually doing homework. And I thought second semester of senior year was supposed to be easy...what was I thinking? The thing is we have just as much work, but it's twice as hard to get it done because we're all so burned out. For the most part, we all just want to go to college/find out what college we got into and sort of have time to relax (for the first time in 4 years, really...or before then).

Carley, are you planning on going to the Valentine's Dance on Friday, the 11th? I'm still deciding whether to go or not. Jen (a senior...don't know if you know her) was asking a bunch of us to go, and some of my friends from my grade will be there. However, I don't really know. I'll see who else is going. I want to see if I can find someone to go as a "date" (even if they're really not), since it's a whole dollar off if you do *gasp*...hehe. Have you ever been to one of the dances? They have a boy from my grade DJ because it's fairly cheap...he's okay, but...okay, not really. It's not my kind of music. I usually have fun at the dances, even though I don't like the music. And it will be a semiformal: boys in blazers = adorable. Kind of like how I told Laura that there should be a law making boys wear pink once a month or every two weeks. They look adorable in pink - all of them.

Ah, well, that's about all. Namaste.