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Get hugs of your own

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


You remember how I was complaining about how they don't leave the little titles of the articles up long enough on the MSN sidebar? How they change when you change pages? Well, I had just clicked a link to another page when I saw this headline:
"Why sex is good for the species"
So, being the person I am, I dove for the link and clicked it just before the page changed. It took me to this article:
It's actually a pretty interesting article. And it had a link to an article about as interesting as a link in the sentence, "Scientists don't even know how sex even got started." It's to this article:
You know, MSN so obviously wanted us to click the link...kind of like when English teachers say to a rowdy classroom:
Is in no way related to our lecture today.

Yes, Carley, a teacher did that. Not in my class, but it happened nonetheless. There were signs up in the hallway too that had a similar theme along those lines.

Hehe...silly teen-age mind. Oh, the new topic is "What people do wrong when computers crash." I should probably check that one too - I probably do everything wrong. My typical sequence is: Freak out...press random buttons...calm myself down...turn off the computer if it all freezes:
The article's called "Drop the Mouse and Step Away From the Computer." Yeah: kind of sounds like what I do. If you add in a plaintive, "Daddy!" to the events, that's it when horrible things go wrong in a nutshell.
"Yet the first step for many computer after a computer crash is to hit or yell at their machine, according to a new survey." - *Blushes* I don't yell...and I simply tap, thank you very much.
"About 13 percent of survey participants said they attempt to sweet-talk their computers into coughing up any lost data, said Todd Johnson, vice president data recovery at Ontrack." - Do you have a camera by my computer or something, people?
"'There was one restaurant manager who was so upset with his laptop that he threw it into deep fryer,' Norman said. 'That destroyed the laptop ... and deep fryer, too.'" - Okay, that is kind of awesome, though, you have to admit.
"but few computer users haven't considered tossing a misbehaving PC out an office window at one time or another. One respondent in Norman's study did just that, but left out an important step.
'His mistake was he forgot to open the window,' Norman said. " - I should write that into a script. That's also kind of great.

Heh, well, that's about it for now. I'll post again if any more interesting articles show up. Oh, and hug me people! Hug me! That's what it's there for. And yes *blush* that first hug was from me to myself just to get the ball rolling.


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