Train of thought...
Early in the morning it appears that my train of thought is quite amusing on the way to school. I thought I'd reproduce some of the my thoughts yesterday as I drove to school after I had Senior Sleep (didn't have to leave until 8 a.m., since my first class was at 9:10):
Well, here we go out my driveway...icy...
Eek! Poland Spring truck barrelling at me at 50 m.p.h. Yeesh...who'd want a water delivery at 8 a.m.?
Lalalala...let's turn onto Mt. Airy East. Here I go. No one coming at me for a change. Wee, down the hill.
Static in my head because I was listening to Hybrid Theory ... static lasts for about eight minutes.
Hmm...wonder how the Taconic is? It's not that bad. Look it's moving! Let me merge...
How long am I in school for today? Until...9 p.m., right? Oh, shit! It's Wednesday! Lost tonight! Oh,, it's okay: they're doing a rerun. Aren't they? I just can't remember...hmmm...yes: on the promo they had the one where Claire and Charlie are kidnapped.
Yawn I shouldn't have stayed up to watch Deadwood again. I wonder what I missed on the HBO Forum. I can see in school. You know, I really don't know their rules about Forum posting. They say no chatting, but they say nothing about Forum browsing.
Weeeeeeee! Oops! Definitely going 70...a little fast. Let me slow down.
And I get off here. Okay, make a left. Are you really turning? That was a lovely invisible turn signal. Is it from another dimension and I just couldn't see it in this one?
Aaaaand that's traffic. Great. Hmm...definitely not getting on 9A...or is that 9? 9A I think...I'll get off here, though. Okay: we're moving really slowly.
And I get off here. And going up to make a right. Oh, that's nice: that van two cars ahead is stuck. Someone just doesn't like me today. Rolling your tires faster doesn't help, hon. And - and now you're rolling backwards. Eek! Puts the car in reverse and backs up a few feet. And there's another few cars behind me. And you're still going backwards: as is the car in front of me. Stop, please! Okay, you did. And decided to go the other way. Brilliant. Whew: now I can go.
Wow, you're letting me in front of you? Awesome. How nice. Thank you!
And here I go...not much going on in the head for a little while.
Oh, and that's lovely. Traffic, traffic everywhere and not a drop to drink. Ah, well...okay: I'm about 10 minutes away from school now.
Not too much again.
And now there are trucks fixing the phone lines everywhere. I'm just not supposed to go to school today: that's it.
Ah, well, and here I am. Please say there's a spot. And there isn't. Oh well, half of the spots in the senior lot are made up anyway. Where's a nice place? Here. This is cool. And I'll just stay here. Let me straighten out. Eek! And not hit that car. Okay. That looks about good.
Hmm...and now the bitch of the flight up stairs. I wonder how many stairs there are anyway? First the long we go:
Oh, look: my chorus teacher almost ran me over. That was nice. Now you're not moving...oh: you're spot's taken. And she doesn't look happy about that. Ooo...dude, you'd better move your car.
And I just forgot to count. There were what? About 8? Yeah, this one has 8, and that one's the same...
Continues to count the long and short stairs.
You know, I don't think a single step is the same length or height. What are they trying to do to us? And 90...91...92...93...94...95...96...97...98...98?! What kind of staircase has 98 stairs? Why not make two more right here?
And one last staircase up to the buildling...99...100...101...102...103...104...105...106...107...108...109...110. Okay, 110: that's a little better. A lot better than 98. At least it's a multiple of 10: nice whole-seeming number.
And here I am in school.
Now wasn't that just a complete waste of your reading? I know: you can thank me later. Namaste.
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