Ahh, the newbies...
I don't think I've seen BreannaBelle on. No, wait, I may have come in when she was leaving at one point. I'll keep an eye out, though, Isabel.
Okay, everyone, even if you read nothing of Something Positive, just go to this link: http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp07212002.shtml. All of the humor is more or less like this...in other words, my kind of humor when I'm looking at net comics. I love Choo-Choo Bear (the cat). Every now and then you see him sliding through grates in the background of comics and the like. He's so adorable. And they frequently use him as a weapon - he also swallows small dogs and annoying people. And in a previous comic, Davan was manipulating him into balloon animals in the park to scare small children.
Briefly, the story behind Choo-Choo is that Davan's friend Jhim took him in. He passed him to Aubrey, I believe, who gave him to Davan. Choo-Choo is an ancient cat who had various forms of cancer. He's healthy now, but as a result of the treatment, Choo-Choo Bear's skeleton is basically nonexistant, so he kind of oozes around. However, he's very happy with Davan.
But sometimes Something Positive does a crossover with Queen of Wands. They're in different cities, but Davan meets Kestral online (long story involving him putting her underwear on E-Bay), and eventually he decides to help her find a job and move out of her current house, which she shares with Shannon (her best friend) and Shannon's husband, Felix (Kestral's ex-boyfriend). They've been living together for a long time, but Shannon just had a baby and Kestral wants to move out on her own and give them space.
Well, that was a random post. Namaste!
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