I don't obsess!
Okay, yes I do on here. But that's because my daddy makes fun of me when I talk about that stuff in real life.
And I actually started doing my break homework! And I printed out all the copies of the Common App that I'll need for colleges and they're all filled in. I'm productive (no I'm not)!
Have you ever noticed what weird positions you get into when you're typing on the computer? Because I get into really odd positions...I guess 9 years of gymnastics would do that to you. That's the only reason that I wasn't a complete clutz when I was growing four inches a year: I had really good balance from gymnastics. I only quit when I got tall enough to reach the high bars standing up. It got a little ridiculous then. I can still do cartwheels, but I need to work my back and tummy muscles up a little more to relearn how to do back walkovers and the like. But part of me is really tempted to do that work. My legs and shoulders kept the muscles from horseback riding.
That's one of the few reasons that it sucks that I'm a girl: if I were a guy, I'd have awesome pectorals, but, as I'm a girl, I just have boobs. You can't see the muscles under there...you just see breasts. And any guy that wandered over here just got a stunned look on his face and closed the window. Who knows, maybe Carley and Isabel did too.
Anyway, yeah, away from various parts of my body so that we don't scare people...
And Carley: I actually think you might like the movies that I keep talking about (Igby, Dangerous Lives, etc.). And I actually really want to see Ocean's Twelve. If I had had my choice when we went to the movies the other day, I think I would've seen that over Life Aquatic. However, my "I don't really want to be shallow" side won over, since the only reason most girls see Ocean's Twelve (me included) is to see some of the more attractive Hollywood boys sharing a movie screen. That's like how my friends' heads nearly imploded in Troy: naked Brad Pitt and naked Orlando Bloom. Although I did not want to see Legolas naked - ever. I mean I know hobbits were naked in various parts of the books (thank you for not making us look at naked Elijah in the Orc Tower, PJ), but I don't think Legolas was ever naked. And I also don't like Orlando that much, so I really didn't care.
My problem with Troy is that I don't think that the girl who played Helen was pretty enough by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know who I'd want to play the role, but I didn't really like that girl. She was too much of a modern, plastic beauty in my opinion. Helen should have been more beautiful in a way that combined the old Greek standards with modern-day visions of "beauty".
Well, and then there was the whole "changed the story a bit" thing, but I could live with that because Brad Pitt was Achilles. And I absolutely love Sean Bean, so I was okay with him as Odysseus (or Ulysses if you prefer).
My, I do cover a variety of subjects here, don't I? I went from school to how I was sitting at the computer to movies to bitching about movies to men I love. All in a day's blogging.
So, as you can tell, I've been in a really good mood for a while now. I hope it lasts. It was a little tarnished, so to speak, when the guy that plows our driveway came early this morning. My bedroom's right over the garage, which means that it's typically not only the coldest room in the house, but also I hear everything that goes on in the driveway. Which means that I heard the rough scrape of plastic and metal against snow and pavement and obviously woke up (I usually sleep through more than that, actually, so it is odd that I woke up). My dad if I started singing something like "Here Comes Santa Claus", and I said, "Umm...no, I think I said a bad word." And by "a" I mean "many". I don't even remember what I called various people and things, but I can bet that, knowing me when I'm half asleep, it wasn't good. I tend to say all the sarcastic things I have on my mind when it's early. Which means that if you really, really want to know what I think about something, you should ask me when I'm half asleep. All of my inhibitors shut themselves off...which means it could be great fun for you, or you could get way more offended than you perhaps should.
Yeah, so I'm going to go catch up a little more on the web comic "Something Positive". Namaste.
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