I promise that I will not obsess this post...
And we'll see how that works out. Okay, so if Carley doesn't have her phone to text me this break, I may as well just go throw mine into a closet until school starts again. No, that probably wouldn't be wise. As much as I would like to wander over to her house and have a sit-in protesting it, no one would really care, would they? Haha...I'm just feeling like challenging the system at the moment - and I don't even know which system I want to challenge.
That's what happens when I'm in a good mood for too long, you see? I rebel...and I usually rebel by sitting on my ass and doing nothing, but wishing there was something for me to do. I'll be great in college: I'll always be the random person trying to organize rallies, but all her friends will always be like, "Um...yeah, no, don't care. Not at all. In fact, let's see if I can care even less...nope. I don't think it's at all possible. Sorry, but I just don't care that they don't serve that type of cereal every morning at breakfast. Not enough to have a sit-in in the cafeteria, anyway." Wow, just had a great mental image of that.
So I had inspiration to write this morning. Nothing in particular, but I just wanted to sit down and write. So then I open up one document...nope, nothing. Then the next...same thing. I went down all my unfinished works, and then just sort of gave up. So then I came on here. Woohoo. Aren't you so happy you have to listen to me when I'm kind of bored?
And why are you always "Away" when I need someone to talk to, Isabel? Of course I'm always "Offline" when you want to talk to me, but...
Okay, you know how I said that the part of my head that controls what I think versus what I say doesn't work so well at night? Well, it doesn't really work at all in chatrooms. I went back to the Barrow-Downs chat, since I've been slowly wandering back in there lately because Ancalagon and Aldarion are just awesome...and Gaya comes on and Bethberry sometimes...I still need to catch Ulmo to say "hi" to him. And Eponine is cool. But anyway, I've been wandering in there again lately and there are a lot of newbies...obvious newbies. And I just don't react well to them. I know I was a newbie there (three years ago, for the record...three years ago just last week, actually), but I was an annoying newbie, and people were mean to me then, so I figure I should just continue the chain. Kind of like how we now wish the Senior Writing Project on all of the underclassmen now. But I'm not mean to everyone. I just don't put up with the bullshit that some of the newbies spout...especially the ones that come into the room saying, "OMGOMGOGMOMGOGMOMGOGMGOMGO! ORLI IS LKIE SOOOOOOOOO HOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!" Haha, did I scare you Isabel with my awesome teeny impersonation? Years of practice, my friend. And then there are the ones that speak Grelvish...Grey-Company Wannabe Elvish, thinking that it's real...*shivers*. Okay, I'm a big dork and everyone just found that out if they didn't already know it. I'm one of those dorks that corrects people when they pronounce names wrong (such as Cirdan or Earendil)...in other words I'm really annoying when you mispronounce Tolkien's characters.
Well, I'm a-gonna go. Namaste.
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