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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

You talk about your woman...

...I wish you could see mine.

God damn it. I still have that song stuck in my head. It's never coming out, I swear. It's a good song though. I actually put the Tommy Soundtrack in my dad's CD changer for my college trips.

Yeah, I head out tomorrow about fifth period for Massachusetts. I'm going by myself, but I'm checking in with my dad when I get to Wellesley and then when I get to Mount Holyoke. It'll be awesome: I'm excited. Yes, because a simple period rather than an exclamation point makes me sound thrilled. I'm serious: I'm excited! That better? I giggle in real life, not online. Hard to giggle online anyway, unless you go for a *giggle* or something...but that's just stupid.

And this is me not having caffeine. I'm tired, actually. I'm only going in for second and fourth period (I have first, third and fifth free). I'll probably eat at school, then leave.

I'm taking my dad's car because it has a GPS system. Word to the wize - Rachel + directions = trouble. Actually, I'm pretty good at getting myself out of said trouble, I just have no sense of direction. I'm good at packing though. That's one thing I do well. Actually, I asked my dad tonight, "When did I become that girl that packs almost more makeup and earrings than clothing?" He said, "I don't know." I replied, "And, it's not even like I wear all that much" (though I've started wearing a little more recently). Then he said, "Well, you never know who you're going to bump into!" I said, "Dad! I'm visiting women's colleges!" He said, "Good point." Yeah...I have two cases of makeup and my whole earring box going with me...not to mention hair stuff and all that. And I even packed a robe...not my leopard print one.

At least my illness (whatever it is...I call it Mike Disease because Mike was the first of the castmembers to get it and pass it on) took a vacation during Friday-Sunday. It's back, though. I keep losing my voice and coughing. And I feel like my lungs are about to implode or something equally as unpleasant. I hope I don't get all the students at the colleges sick. Oh, that's something I should pack - tissues and cough drops.

Hmm...how do I get Tommy out of my head? I've even tried listening to songs I can't stand but that usually get fixed tightly in my head in order to get them out. Nothing, though: it keeps coming back, and I find myself humming, "Go to the Mirror, Boy" or something. I'm actually curious to see how we look on the DVD - whether we just look ridiculous dancing on that tiny stage or what.

I don't know what else to write.


Blogger Akichan said...

Just came back. Have it narrowed down again - not going to Mt. Holyoke despite the attractive financial aid...just not my style, really. Wellesley was awesome, though. I'm missing setting up for the prom fundraiser dinner for parents because I'm sick. :-(

And yes, Tommy was one of the CDs I had in the changer on the way up there. Now...I want to sleep. I won't, but I really want to. I feel like shit.

4:02 PM  

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