Yeah, so I found out that Mike and Darren are supposed to never return to campus again. But they're letting them come back to take their AP tests. I wonder if they'll be able to graduate. They're not allowed to come to graduation and commencement I know, but I don't know whether they're going to get their diplomas. If not, Darren at least will probably have his college acceptance revoked. I mean Princeton probably won't look at the situation too lightly. I think the punishment is honestly to severe. Especially for Darren: I mean for Mike it's sort of an amalgamation of offenses that got minor punishments up until now. But this was Darren's first time getting in trouble really. I mean he'd been doing all that for a long time, but they just never knew about it, I guess.
I think it has to do with all the shit that went on during the Greece trip. Before the teachers knew that stuff went on but didn't care. But then with all the pay cuts and the like, the other teachers got scared. Now they feel obligated to turn kids in, even if they don't wholly believe in it, I guess. I understand where they're coming from: I mean when you sign the contract to come here, you are saying that you'll play by their rules. A lot of kids don't, so then they get in trouble. I don't know whether I agree with all of their decisions, but you know, it's their prerogative to make those decisions. Graduation is in about five weeks anyway, then high school's all over.
My Garden In The Clouds
I need a new description here. Anyone got any suggestions?
*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

I'm not sure if I should go into specifics on here. I don't know who has this address. And anyway, I only know the rumors, I don't know the real details.
Let me just say that it has something to do with substance abuse, and I'm pretty sure it was on school grounds. And lately I've been hearing that the substance often has the same name as a soda, and if that doesn't give it away...I envy your innocence. ;-)
Use of that stuff is actually rampant at our school. Well, that's what happens when you get a bunch of rich kids together: they have the money to go out, buy all that stuff, and start a crackhouse in the freshman hallway.
Originally, I had heard that it was alcohol on school grounds, and to be honest, the punishment would fit more with that. I would think that if they caught them with other stuff, they'd just be expelled and not graduate.
And here's a question: why does it say there are 3 MSN contacts online, but then when I click it, only two are listed?
Oh, and they will be allowed to graduate, I found out. They just can't go to the ceremony...or prom or the senior trip, I would assume.
They keep trying to sequester them from the rest of us like they're convicts or something when they come in to take their exams.
It's so funny, though: we all love them so much that everyone gets just a little happier when they're back.
Hey, I don't know if you got my email from my other email address, but again, congrats on Wellesley...
I would love to keep in touch with you and you're more than welcome to come visit us at BM, I'm sure the other girls would be just as happy to meet you as me.
Yeah, I got it! Just haven't had a lot of time to respond!
And I'd love to come down and visit at some point!
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