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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Up and running...

Okay, now I'm going to change the title at the top to Driveshaft: The Unofficial Blog, just in case any stupid people read it and think I'm actually Dominic Monaghan or something, but other than that, you can go to my new blog, dedicated to the now-"deceased" member of Driveshaft, Charlie Pace. It's at http://driveshaft.blogspot.com, if you want to check it out. I was very happy no one beat me to the URL name. Although, then again, there aren't many people quite as much of a loser as I am. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure many, many people come close, but they don't quite reach.

Yeah, so my friend put a positive spin on it if the Bosox win the World Series: maybe that means it will be a Mass year...election-wise too. That would just be brilliant. I'd trade the Sox winning for that happening. Anyway, it would only be the fifth time the Sox ever won the WS. The Yankees have already won 26 times: they can let another team win every now and again. And, come to think of it, we won '96, '98, '99, and '00: that's by far our quota for a little while. I mean Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera and Bernie Williams all have four World Series rings. That's more than most players get in their entire lifetimes.

So basically, I'm done being bitter. I'm cheering on St. Louis, but I'm not bitter anymore. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to like the National League a lot. They have the basics down a lot better than the American League. Most of the top teams in the AL just try to slug it out, which never works (that's what drove Derek Jeter and me crazy about the Yanks this year), while the NL manages to pull great squeeze plays, and bunt men on. And I'm not crazy about the DH either. I mean I think that Rocket and Bozo (my nickname for Pedro...he looks like Bozo the Clown to me) should have to face the other team's pitchers after they throw at someone.

I had a great conversation with my dad regarding the Sox last night. They were telling the whole "inspiring" story about Bronson Arroyo offering his kidney to his dad...never gave it, it turns out, so I started calling him "Kidney"...his former nickname was "You Stupid Punk," but that got too long. Anyway, then there was that play where Cabrera brought his elbows up and the other team's shortstop started talking to him about it...did you hear that? He said, "Umm...I'm sure you didn't mean to, but just letting you know, I think there were elbows thrown. And I don't think it was your fault, but...just so you're aware, I think there were elbows." My response was, "So that's the nice way of saying, 'Step off, Bitch'?" So then I started calling Cabrera Elbows. So now I have four nicknames for the Red Sox players:
Pedro Martinez: "Bozo"
Manny Ramirez: "Binky" (remember, the clown from Garfield?)
Bronson Arroyo: "Kidney"
Orlando Cabrera: "Elbows"

Then my dad said, "Oh, so instead of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves it's more like and the Nine Schmucks?"

So, Kurt Schilling's going to pitch tonight. I'll watch some of the game, but then there's a new episode of Dead Like Me on. It's the second to last episode of the season. And to be honest, I'm not dreadfully attached to this year's World Series. Someone will win, someone won't, but it's not the Yankees, so oh well. There's always next year.

Well, that's really all that's new. Namaste.


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