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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Yo estaba bien por un tiempo,

volviendo a sonreĆ­r...

Sorry, lyrics from the song Llorando from Mulholland Drive. It's a great song. And I can translate it...actually, the site that I found the lyrics on has a really crappy translation up. There's a recording of the song at http://www.rebekahdelrio.com/music.html. If you want to hear it.

So, tonight is an important night in the baseball world. May I just say that I love Sheff and Matsui. They're awesome.

You know what's adorable? Little cold ballplayers wearing sweatshirts, ski hats, and gloves. They showed Bubba Crosby on the bench shivering, and I just thought, "Awwww...he's so cute!" Not to mention the fact that he's like 5'11", a good bit shorter than most of the other players on the Yankees. He's only an inch taller than I am, actually. There was something absolutely cuddle-riffic about him in that sweatshirt last night, though. I just wanted to go up to him and give him a big hug.

To be honest, I felt sorry for all the bummed out fans I saw there last night. FOX kept showing fans crying or shaking their head in disbelief. And Joe Buck, who is a notorious Yankee hater, was about to spit fire, I swear. Meanwhile, back on YES Network after the game, Michael Kay was so happy he was talkinga mile a minute. And when Michael Kay gets excited, he uses big words that, while 99% of the population watching can understand him, confuse the hell out of ex-catcher Joe Girardi (I love you, Joe!).

Well, we'll see. May the best team win. Namaste.


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