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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Wandering back into the Garden...

I'm back! No, no, please, no applause. A standing ovation? Okay...thank you, thank you, faithful followers..

The vacation was - well - interesting...not to go into too much detail at the moment. I worked, so I got paid: that's always a good thing.

I started a new book trilogy - Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams. It's actually really good. Tad Williams is a fairly good writer, which is more than I can say for many fantasy writers. Although, I do have the tendency to compare them to Tolkien and, let's just face it, none of them are as good as he was. But Tad Williams at least has a pretty good grasp of the English language and can use descriptive language succinct enough to keep my attention, yet more complex than, "He had dark hair and a confused look on his face" and the like. Technically, one could say that Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn is a four-book series, as the third part is divided up into two volumes. I, however, am in favor of arguing that it is obviously - much like The Lord of the Rings - really a one-book fantasy that the publishers forced into a trilogy...or quadrogy or whatever you would call it.

Does anyone else think that Jason Giambi needs a hug or something? First he has a parasite, then he has the flu. Then they find out that he has a benign tumor. Then, when he went through treatment for that, he pulled a groin muscle. Now he has a respiratory infection. This is all within this year. Yeesh...maybe all he needs is a girlfriend or something.

Did anyone see "The Village"? That was possibly one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. My dad had to hit me because I started laughing so hard in the theater. I was expecting M. Night's film to be at least a little creepy, based on reports I heard. I took one look at the stupid red cloak on the "beasts" and started laughing. And the ending was just...gah! It was so funny, though. I also saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" for a second time, since my mom hadn't seen it. We also saw "The Bourne Supremacy" - predictable, but oodles o' fun - and "Coffee and Cigarettes" - hilarious, especially Bill Murray's role.

I really do not have much to report except that I have returned. Oh, and I am going to the U.S. Open on Thursday the 2nd. I was worried that it was going to be Friday the 3rd, since that's the day I have to go into school to get my books. I'm going to be a senior. Fancy that, eh? Well, I'll be back later - later today, even, perhaps. Aaah...I'm home...to quote Binabik in The Dragonbone Chair, "Bhojujik mo qunquc," which is roughly, "If the bears don't eat you, it's home". I'll let you chew on that for a while. Just kidding! Namaste.


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