Making a Bouquet to Replace the Withered One...
Do I sense a little bit of hostility from Isabel in that last Comment? Is someone a bit oversensitive about her Red Sox? What's that I hear? The Tampa Bay Devil Rays are catching up to the Red Sox? Really? And why did the Rays fall another game behind the Sox? Oh, that's right: the Yankees beat them last night and are therefore six games ahead of the Sox. you too, Isabel.
Apparently someone got injured and can't play in the All-Star Game. For some bizarre reason they decided that the Yankee pitcher, Javier Vasquez, was a good choice to replace him. Of all the players in the American League, why Vasquez? As happy as I am that it brings the grand total of Yankees on the AL All-Star Team up to eight, Vasquez is not an All-Star.
Derek Jeter got the stitches on his chin out. Now he's back to his beautiful self.
But away from the Yankees (also known as my fifth oxygen), I made my interview dates for colleges. I am going to have what is known as no life until August.
Have you ever seen the MTV show "Your Face or Mine"? It's one of the more amusing things on out there. First they (a couple) compare random celebrities and try to match the majority of the audience selections as to which is more attractive. Then they have to guess which of their moms the audience will think is better looking. Then they compare themselves to pictures and holograms. They then have to compare their boyfriend/girlfriend to best friends/ex-girlfriends/ex-girlfriends' best friends/etc. Finally, they have to figure out between the two of them which one is more attractive. If they match audience selections, they win money. On the final question, if they mess up, they lose all their money. If they get it right, they double it. It's becoming one of my "guilty pleasure" shows...along with Boy Meets World reruns.
I forgot to enter my Spain Trip quotes, didn't I? Well, here are some of the top ones:
Erin: Ooo! Do me! Do me! (Actually said when Darren was taking pictures in the elevator. The phrase Erin was looking for was, "Ooo! Take a picture of me in the elevator!)
Laura: Her boobs look like Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. (In reference to a MirĂ³ painting)
Harrison: (Jumps out from behind a wall at the Spanish Civil War Memorial, in the shape of a giant cross.) Boo!
Soyoung: Jesus Christ!
Harrison: Haha! Nailed it!
Jennie: Erm...did anyone else notice that?
Tim: Jennie, why are you such a control freak?
Jennie: Let me see your ticket.
Harrison: No.
Jennie: I just want to see it.
Harrison: Here. (Shows the ticket.)
Jennie: Let me hold it.
Harrison: No! You can see it.
Jennie: (Unsuccessfully grabs for the ticket) I want to touch it!
Harrison: You can't touch it! You can see it! Are you blind?
Jennie: Yes I am, I need to touch it!
Harrison: Well you can't touch it!
Jennie: Let me touch it!
Harrison: No!
Jennie: I need to touch it!
Me: (Just beginning to listen at the Let me touch it! No! part) Uh, do you know what you sound like? What are you trying to touch anyway?
Jennie: The ticket! Give me the ticket!
Harrison: No!
Jennie: (Turns to me) Can I see your ticket for a second? (Grabs my ticket without asking)
Me: Ummm...
Jennie: (Looks briefly and hands it back) Thanks.
Harrison: That was it? Why couldn't you just see it? Why'd you have to touch it?
Jennie: Well, I could have just looked at it, but you were so uptight about letting me touch it, I just had to touch it.
Harrison: You're making no sense! You couldn't touch it so you had to touch it because you couldn't touch it?
Jennie: Uh, yeah.
(This took place in the theater in which we saw a Flamenco-Ballet Crossover...was interesting, to say the least. Jennie and Harrison were bickering like this the whole trip. It made for some amusing intertainment.)
Jennie: So then we went up...
Alex: Wait! Up where?
Me: The stairs? To heaven?
Jennie: To Vermont!
Jennie: So then when we went down...
Alex: Down where?
Me: The stairs? To hell? Something sexual that I don't even want to imagine at the moment?
Jennie: To Hawaii! Okay: New York is the central location in all these stories
Me: That's not really down.
Alex: It's more over, really.
Harrison: It's West-Down.
Alex: Okay, so you went West-Down, then...
Laura: (Wakes up on the plane.) Are we there?
Kat: No, we made an emergency stop in Newfoundland.
Laura: Where in Europe's that again? Wait. Oh fuck. You're kidding. We're still in Canada?
Kat: Yup.
Laura: No. We had to have crossed an ocean. Why are we in Canada?! Hasn't it been like five hours?
Kat:, it's been two hours.
Whole scene: It's about three in the morning. I'm sitting next to Sarita and Chris is across the aisle. We're flipping through the radio stations. Chris finds a club mix station. He indicates that we should all change. We sit there in the dark, with the rest of the plane asleep, dancing in our seats. I change the station and find Winnie zie Pooh in German. I have them change their radio stations. The demonic sounding voice comes on as Pooh's voice. Chris's eyes go wide and he throws his earphones off. Then we change the channel and find the Therapeutic channel, where they talk about visualizing a field of calm daisies. Then we go back to the club mix and dance some more.
Our Tour Guide: It is the most beautiful painting in the world...except for France.
So, that's my trip to Madrid in one page. Hope you can come with me next time! Namaste.
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