Pigs are flying...
Hell's frozen, the slipper fits...and the Red Sox won the World Series!
Thus spake the sign that appeared on my old teacher's door. He's a Red Sox fan from North Carolina (his uncle was from Boston). Now the Sox fans can't whine to us about not winning for 86 years.
I have a new signature or motto or whatever you want to call it. It comes from my friend's Tarry Pratchett book. Pratchett says, "Veni, Veneri, Vamoosi" or, "I came, I got an embarrassing disease, I left." We're talking about Roman Art in AP Art History, as you can guess.
That's really all I have to say. I'm going to put up another post on my Driveshaft blog at some point too. It's awesome how you can change the date. I'm changing all the posts to have taken place back in late September, as the plane "went down" September 22.
Well, that's all. Namaste.
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