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Monday, December 13, 2004


But do I ever really write anything else? No, not really.

Oh, Jake, Carley, anyone out there besides Isabel, who always says what's on her mind anyway (kind of like how I do; no wonder we get along so well, even though we don't really know each other except for through the Internet), feel free to comment on my life at any point. That sounds really odd, but you know, positive feedback on how I should run my life is always welcome.

So, new episode of Huff was on last night. I should probably watch Desperate Housewives to keep up with everyone else, but I've never seen it, and I absolutely love Huff (Hank Azaria is awesome). Gail (the senior Byrd was seeing) broke up with him. It was so sad: Byrd's such an awesome kid...so is Anton Yelchin, the kid that plays him. I love the line though where Gail said, "My dad says you're statutory raping me" and Byrd says, "How's that possible? You're seventeen and I'm fourteen!" I absolutely love Gail's Jesus fish tongue ring. Yeah, totally have a crush on Anton Yelchin...if he's anything like his character.

Okay, now that I had my little teeny-bopper crush fit there (now no one mention Kieran Culkin, or we'll be here for a while), on to life. Oh wait, I have none until after this Thursday. Never mind.

I was considering playing the fun game called, "Let's read Rachel's favorite movie quotes", but that seemed rather lame, so I opted out.

My dad got a message that my copy of Return of the King extended edition DVD got shipped. I'll get it before Winter Break. I hope Alyssa's still offering up her big-screen TV for a Lord of the Rings marathon (and yes, I'll force Carley and Jake to go). If not, then large party at Laura's (again...I think we're still on for Angels in America at her house on the first Monday of break - another thing you're both coming to).

Speaking of Laura, she finds out from Harvard tomorrow. I told her to call me if it's good news, and I assumed she wouldn't want to call me if it isn't. I'm worried because so many people are getting in early, and, as Laura said today, "Chances are, law of averages will come and bite me on the ass." Same with me and my choice. And look at who I'm competing against. Although they are all Math/Science and I'm Anything Creative/History/Pol. Sci./International Studies.

Aw...my kitty's so cute. She just gave a big yawn. At the moment, she's hogging my piano bench. I love her so much. I really do wish I could bring her to college with me (yeah, right, that would be a brilliant idea). Actually, I wish I could bring a pet or a friend to college (same thing, really) with me. Just stick the pet in its carrier or the friend in my suitcase, and then I'm all set.

And now she's yelling at me. Apparently she wants more food, but is too lazy to go upstairs to get it. I repeat what I said to her aloud, "Tough. You're fat." She isn't really fat...just...healthy. She's got really pretty eyes, though...and she's fluffy and warm and good to use as a pillow when I'm on the couch sometimes.

My cat's a good topic. I could talk about her forever. I got her when I was seven from a local shelter. We wanted to take her brother too, but since we have a dog, we figured it wouldn't be fair to him to have both of them ganging up on him. Now, he's a lab, so he's a pretty big dog (he's about 90 lbs.), but if you've seen a cat when they feel like bothering someone...they're pretty effective by themselves. So we ended up getting just Pounce. Although it would have been nice to have gotten her brother, it is really better we got just her. She enjoys being High Queen of the house, and I don't think she'd appreciate competition.

I love my dog too, of course. We got him when I was three. His name's Zeke, and he comes from some line of show champions. He could never be a show dog, though: firstly he's missing some teeth near the back, secondly he's way to chauvenistic. When we first got him, my parents would try to have him sleep in their bed. He never wanted to, though. And whenever you'd get on the floor with him as a puppy, he'd bite your face. He's sweet now, but not cuddly. My cat is actually far more personable than my dog.

My cat just had me open the window. She sat in it for three seconds, then jumped back onto the piano and gave me another accusing look. Then, when I finally gave her my attention, she left.

Well, that was a happy entry. I'm trying to have more of those, since this is, after all, a "Garden in the Clouds" - I should come here to remind myself to be happy, not stressed. Namaste.

EDIT: "Isabel said...
Hmm... well all I can really say is that I think I understand, I just am... really really really bad at formulating things, so I think I'll leave it at, I'm here. ;) Really though, all your entry is so familiar to me, it's like I thought something and then look, poof, someone wrote it down.Sorry I haven't been around lately though, I have so many blogs that writing in any one regularly is difficult - though I don't think I've quite left behind any of my other ones this much, will make an effort to post soon. And go on MSN more. And all that good stuff. :P"

Thanks, sweetie. I'm on as much as I can be lately. And I check out your blog when I can. I think we just miss each other on MSN, though. I'm usually on in the early evenings over here. You're probably on more at night. At night...well, I'm usually asleep, if possible. If not, I'm doing homework or watching TV. When my dad wants to get me to bed at night, he turns on Fox News Network or football or basketball or something. I leave very quickly then...or he turns on a Val Kilmer movie. And I reiterate to anyone else that may be watching: go to Isabel's blog at http://irunwithscissors.blogspot.com. Fun for the whole family...


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