Well, I should probably post. I really have nothing to say though. So, let me run an idea past you. I've been writing - sporadically, as school sucks the life out of my soul - and I was wondering if maybe, since I deleted my other fairly creative blog because I just got fed up with it, I should start a new one with one of my other stories. Would anyone read it? Hmm...and should I do one that's more like one of my fanfictions or one of my original creations? I'd like to do original, but the thing is I haven't copyrighted any of them, and I'm kind of paranoid about people stealing my work. I know you two wouldn't, Carley, Isabel, but...as I said, I'm a touch paranoid.
Well, I'll let you think about that. And Isabel, I thought I heard you were going to have some BD Chat Quotes up soon? I'm waiting, hon.
Oh, and Carley: musical rehearsal starts next week! Woohoo! I'm so happy...finally: something to take up my nights so I can procrastinate even further with homework. No, I actually usually get most of it done before rehearsal even starts, but it's always nice to dream. I wonder how my load will be now that midterms are over and colleges won't get any other scores...well, yes they will, but it won't matter: by then they'll have made a decision.
Well, I'm going to go do...something...don't know what exactly. Namaste.
My Garden In The Clouds
I need a new description here. Anyone got any suggestions?
*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Carley: woo play, woo! i forgot you auditioned, sorry about that. Anyway finally! someone who spells hon right. everyone spells it hun, but that's not right, cuz hon, is short for honey correct? does honey have a u in it? I think not! it's like donut.
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