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Monday, February 28, 2005


Okay, now before I relate this story, I just want you to know that I'm not at all squeamish about blood. I don't care about seeing it at all - which leaves my explanation for what happened.

I donated blood to the Red Cross today at my school. Yippee! Yeah, so I went there third period, since I had a free then. To start out with, they didn't take me until about fourth period. Then everything went well: I answered their preliminary questions, they stuck the needle in and it was fine. I filled up the pint and they took the needle out and it was all good. They bandaged me up, I sat up, then stood and walked over to the table with the cookies and juice (and water). I got a juice and some cookies. I opened the cookies and took one bite. Suddenly, I felt a little sick to my stomach and my head felt weird. Then everything started going black and it was as though there was something clogging my ears. Next thing I know, I'm on the floor with a bunch of people around me. It was the first time I ever fainted. Apparently I was out for about half a second, but it was like you see in the movies according to my friends: Moira heard a little "eep!" sound as I started to black out, then my eyes rolled back and I just fell over. But, anyway, I'm fine. I lay there with the cold paper towel on my head for a while. Then I took the towel off and ate the cookies and drank the juice. Then I slowly sat, eventually moved back into the chair, then finally stood up when the thought of doing so didn't make me dizzy.

So, I ended up missing two classes. But, hopefully it will do a lot of the 4-letter word starting with "s" and ending in "w" with a "no" in the middle tonight and I'll be able to sleep!

That's about all that's new with me. Namaste.


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