So prom was last night. I was going to put up prom pictures, but I think I switched disposables with someone in my limo - I think it was either Katie or Sarah. So I will have pictures up as soon as I get my camera back.
My Garden In The Clouds
I need a new description here. Anyone got any suggestions?
*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Saturday, May 28, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Courtesy of a Deadwood poster...
Hey, I might actually put this up as the "Desription" of my blog, but this is courtesy of bonho on the HBO Deadwood Forums:
RachelAyn is most intellectual
And, my goodness, far from ineffectual
But there ain't nothing finer
than deviating a minor
And pointing her towards all things sexual
If you want to see some of our threads. Great board. Start watching Deadwood everyone and then go and post!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hey, sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been doing other things.
So I bought my graduation dress on Saturday from Anthropologie. It's really adorable. I'll have to get pictures of me in it up. And I also bought new shoes from Steve Madden. They're great shoes and amazingly comfortable (deceivingly so: they don't look like they should be). I'll definitely get pictures of them up at some point.
While I was at the mall, I also bought my makeup for prom. We went to the Clinique counter and she made me up to show my mom how to do it all. It's all really pretty. I had to take the makeup off before Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead though. That went really, really well. My favorite scene is still Laura (Rosencrantz) trying to lick her toe to see which way the wind is blowing.
"Lick my toe!"
"What? No!"
"Okay, then I'll lick yours!"
"What's wrong with you?! What if someone comes in?!"
I still remember my end lines, though, as Horatio:
Not from his mouth
had it the ability of life to thank you:
He never gave commandment for their deaths.
But since, so jump upon this bloody question,
you from the Polack wars and you from England
are here arrives; give order that these bodies
high on a stage be placed to the view.
And let me tell the yet unknowing world
how these things came about; so shall you hear
of carnal, bloody and unnatural acts,
of accidental judgments, casual slaughters,
of death put on by cunning and forced cause,
and, in the upshot, mistook purposes
fallen on the inventors' heads: all this
can I truly deliver.
Pretty good: I even remembered the exact punctuation. And the Shakespeare teacher was impressed...and wishing I had taken his course. I didn't have time though with both chorus and Girls' Chamber as my minors - I wanted to do only 5 and 2 my senior year.
I'm going to go see how I'm going to get my hair done for prom this afternoon after school. Then I get to study for my last math test. It's on some of the questions that were on the AP with numbers altered. It shouldn't be too bad.
And yes, I'll obviously "Friend" you when I get my Wellesley e-mail and can join the Facebook, Shelley! And you better believe I'm coming to PA to visit at some point. I mean I have all of January off: what else am I going to do?
Yes, I'm feeling a void in my life: the season finale of Deadwood was on Sunday. I'm probably going to watch it a third time tonight. I still gasp quite audibly when I see Wolcott's body swing down in the background there. I kind of want Garret Dillahunt to come back as a third character next season - he's a really gifted actor and it's a shame to see him leave.
He came onto the Deadwood forum last night. He's a cool guy. I'll have to follow his career - watch what else he'll be doing.
Well, I have to go to class now. I'll come back later probably.
Friday, May 20, 2005
So I saw the coming attraction for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today on TV. You know what that means? Time for me to read all the books again, since it reminded me that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be coming out soon...July, to be exact.
I was saying the other day to - I think it was Laura, "Wow, what mature graduates we are: 'Yay! We're graduating from high school. Oh my God! Harry Potter's coming out soon! And the new movie!'"
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Hmm...I found a site that lets you put together a lineup based on your birthday - the players all share your birthday, in other words:
Pitcher - Gerry Arrigo
Catcher - Dave Skaggs
First - Ryan Klesko
Second - Keith Miller
Third - Felix Pagan
Shortstop - Jack Cusick
Left - Hideki Matsui
Center - David Buford
Right - Damon Hollins
Relief - Darrel Akerfelds, Jim Strickland
I guess that would be a National League Team, since I couldn't find a good enough DH anywhere.
I only have seven days of school left, really. Well, seven days, two classes. Then the seniors have off until Class Day and Graduation.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is on Friday and Saturday.
But guess what? Yankees are 21-19! They have a winning record! And Mussina's pitching tonight. The other day my friend said she was going to marry Tino Martinez. Therefore, I called Mike Mussina as mine. Never mind they're both married with kids...Tino has three, Mike two. And also never mind that if you add Laura and my ages up, you get one of their ages. We decided that should be a rule: you can have two wives if their ages add up to yours. Mike needs a new picture at (the MLB Yankees site). The one they use makes him look like he's ten years dead - with just as little blood coursing through his veins.
And Jason got a homerun! They have a video of that and some other highlights of his at the Yankees homesite. I love Jason, and I entirely shouldn't because he so knowingly engaged in taking steroids. But, actually I don't care - there's such a fine line between what's "cheating" and what's not: what's so bad about them taking steroids? They're messing up their own bodies, not others.
Yeah, well, Yankee, Yankee, Yankee...10-game hitting streak. That's about it.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Okay, to sort of continue with what I said on the comments, the reason I'm kind of paranoid is that I've typed on this blog from a school computer. Thus, they have it in the history and I know for a fact they check what sites we've been on. That also means that if they saw I was talking about things, they might start watching my blog or something. I'm completely neurotic, I know, but they've really kind of had the school on lockdown lately.
It's not that the teachers care more than they used to, it's just that after the pay cuts on other teachers that were on the Greece trip, they seem to realized that they can get penalized for what we do. So, they've started reporting students when they previously would have turned a blind eye.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Yeah, so I found out that Mike and Darren are supposed to never return to campus again. But they're letting them come back to take their AP tests. I wonder if they'll be able to graduate. They're not allowed to come to graduation and commencement I know, but I don't know whether they're going to get their diplomas. If not, Darren at least will probably have his college acceptance revoked. I mean Princeton probably won't look at the situation too lightly. I think the punishment is honestly to severe. Especially for Darren: I mean for Mike it's sort of an amalgamation of offenses that got minor punishments up until now. But this was Darren's first time getting in trouble really. I mean he'd been doing all that for a long time, but they just never knew about it, I guess.
I think it has to do with all the shit that went on during the Greece trip. Before the teachers knew that stuff went on but didn't care. But then with all the pay cuts and the like, the other teachers got scared. Now they feel obligated to turn kids in, even if they don't wholly believe in it, I guess. I understand where they're coming from: I mean when you sign the contract to come here, you are saying that you'll play by their rules. A lot of kids don't, so then they get in trouble. I don't know whether I agree with all of their decisions, but you know, it's their prerogative to make those decisions. Graduation is in about five weeks anyway, then high school's all over.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
My hug counter reached the 100 mark. Yay! I love that counter. Does that make me weird?
Anyway...anyway...what was I about to say? Yes, I'm going to start that again. Well, I have a song stuck in my head that's in no way related to Tommy. That's always nice. And I finally saw I Heart Huckabees last night. Great movie...Jason Schwartzman, Jude Law, Mark Wahlberg, Dustin Hoffman, Naomi Watts, and Lili Tomlin: how can you go wrong, really?
I also saw the beginning of My Best Friend's Wedding this morning. I'd never seen it, it was on, and it's one of those things that they always talk about. I didn't see the end though. I just saw at the luncheon when Dermot Mulrooney's character said the wedding was going to take place at six, and that Cameron Diaz's character had forgiven him. Was I the only one that thought that Cameron deserved him more than Julia Roberts' character? I mean Julia's character was such a conniving little bitch: she really was wrecking their lives out of jealousy. What happens in the end? I mean Julia doesn't get him, does she?
I loved how Rachel Griffiths just randomly popped up in there, though. It was before people knew who she was. And Rupert Everett was the best part of the movie, in my opinion. However, it would be nice to know the ending of the movie...