*HUGS* TOTAL! give EmpyrealFaerie more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Pigs are flying...

Hell's frozen, the slipper fits...and the Red Sox won the World Series!

Thus spake the sign that appeared on my old teacher's door. He's a Red Sox fan from North Carolina (his uncle was from Boston). Now the Sox fans can't whine to us about not winning for 86 years.

I have a new signature or motto or whatever you want to call it. It comes from my friend's Tarry Pratchett book. Pratchett says, "Veni, Veneri, Vamoosi" or, "I came, I got an embarrassing disease, I left." We're talking about Roman Art in AP Art History, as you can guess.

That's really all I have to say. I'm going to put up another post on my Driveshaft blog at some point too. It's awesome how you can change the date. I'm changing all the posts to have taken place back in late September, as the plane "went down" September 22.

Well, that's all. Namaste.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Up and running...

Okay, now I'm going to change the title at the top to Driveshaft: The Unofficial Blog, just in case any stupid people read it and think I'm actually Dominic Monaghan or something, but other than that, you can go to my new blog, dedicated to the now-"deceased" member of Driveshaft, Charlie Pace. It's at http://driveshaft.blogspot.com, if you want to check it out. I was very happy no one beat me to the URL name. Although, then again, there aren't many people quite as much of a loser as I am. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure many, many people come close, but they don't quite reach.

Yeah, so my friend put a positive spin on it if the Bosox win the World Series: maybe that means it will be a Mass year...election-wise too. That would just be brilliant. I'd trade the Sox winning for that happening. Anyway, it would only be the fifth time the Sox ever won the WS. The Yankees have already won 26 times: they can let another team win every now and again. And, come to think of it, we won '96, '98, '99, and '00: that's by far our quota for a little while. I mean Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera and Bernie Williams all have four World Series rings. That's more than most players get in their entire lifetimes.

So basically, I'm done being bitter. I'm cheering on St. Louis, but I'm not bitter anymore. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to like the National League a lot. They have the basics down a lot better than the American League. Most of the top teams in the AL just try to slug it out, which never works (that's what drove Derek Jeter and me crazy about the Yanks this year), while the NL manages to pull great squeeze plays, and bunt men on. And I'm not crazy about the DH either. I mean I think that Rocket and Bozo (my nickname for Pedro...he looks like Bozo the Clown to me) should have to face the other team's pitchers after they throw at someone.

I had a great conversation with my dad regarding the Sox last night. They were telling the whole "inspiring" story about Bronson Arroyo offering his kidney to his dad...never gave it, it turns out, so I started calling him "Kidney"...his former nickname was "You Stupid Punk," but that got too long. Anyway, then there was that play where Cabrera brought his elbows up and the other team's shortstop started talking to him about it...did you hear that? He said, "Umm...I'm sure you didn't mean to, but just letting you know, I think there were elbows thrown. And I don't think it was your fault, but...just so you're aware, I think there were elbows." My response was, "So that's the nice way of saying, 'Step off, Bitch'?" So then I started calling Cabrera Elbows. So now I have four nicknames for the Red Sox players:
Pedro Martinez: "Bozo"
Manny Ramirez: "Binky" (remember, the clown from Garfield?)
Bronson Arroyo: "Kidney"
Orlando Cabrera: "Elbows"

Then my dad said, "Oh, so instead of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves it's more like and the Nine Schmucks?"

So, Kurt Schilling's going to pitch tonight. I'll watch some of the game, but then there's a new episode of Dead Like Me on. It's the second to last episode of the season. And to be honest, I'm not dreadfully attached to this year's World Series. Someone will win, someone won't, but it's not the Yankees, so oh well. There's always next year.

Well, that's really all that's new. Namaste.

Friday, October 22, 2004

DriveShaft, Part 2...

Well, this week's episode of Lost made me say, "What the fuck?" again...in a good way. That is one of the oddest network shows ever created, I think. That's a good thing, because I typically hate network shows, but I don't hate this one. Charlie hit it off with Claire, the pregnant girl. Isn't that cute?

Anyway, I meant like a blog written by a "fan" of DriveSHAFT and dedicated to the band. For example, I found this site out there: http://www.driveshaftband.com . It was made by these two girls, and it's a total parody of a fan site. It's rather sad, but really adorable. I was thinking of e-mailing them and asking if I could use some of the "chronological history" they created for the band and pretend that it was fact if I did create the blog. For example, say I play a girl named...Tiffany - I'd probably be Rachel, since that's my real name, but let's speak hypothetically for a moment, shall we? Anyway, Tiffany first heard Burn on the radio in 1999 and thought it was really cool. She bought that album and has been a fan of...I don't know...Charlie Pace...ever since. The blog would be called DriveSHAFT or DriveFOREVER or something weird like that. She would start it probably just after Charlie disappeared, just as a place to write about it. I don't know, just spouting stuff now.

For the record: GO ST. LOUIS! I wanted Houston to win so Rocket could bean Pedro, and there would be the Killer B's, but oh well. Looking at Houston and St. Louis, if the Yankees won, they would have probably lost to either of those teams. Anyway, as Steinbrenner said, "Congratulations to the Red Sox on their victory...we not look forward to preparing our team for next year." When he said it, it was utter b.s., but I say it with...well...maybe a touch more honesty.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Hmm...would it be completely stupid of me to start another Blog for DriveShaft, the group that Charlie, played by Dominic Monaghan, has in Lost? I would have to think about the format for a bit and tweak it. Perhaps it could be more of a "creative writing" type thing that anyone could participate in. I don't want it to be something just drooling over Dominic Monaghan, because I hate people and sites like that. Once we find out more about the band, it would probably work better. It would be even more awesome to have a full mock site-thing, but that might not happen (don't have the money for that).

Well, I'll jet. Game 7 tonight! Woot! Well, time to go think about my idea. Give me feedback all...and by all, I mean Isabel. Namaste.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Yo estaba bien por un tiempo,

volviendo a sonreĆ­r...

Sorry, lyrics from the song Llorando from Mulholland Drive. It's a great song. And I can translate it...actually, the site that I found the lyrics on has a really crappy translation up. There's a recording of the song at http://www.rebekahdelrio.com/music.html. If you want to hear it.

So, tonight is an important night in the baseball world. May I just say that I love Sheff and Matsui. They're awesome.

You know what's adorable? Little cold ballplayers wearing sweatshirts, ski hats, and gloves. They showed Bubba Crosby on the bench shivering, and I just thought, "Awwww...he's so cute!" Not to mention the fact that he's like 5'11", a good bit shorter than most of the other players on the Yankees. He's only an inch taller than I am, actually. There was something absolutely cuddle-riffic about him in that sweatshirt last night, though. I just wanted to go up to him and give him a big hug.

To be honest, I felt sorry for all the bummed out fans I saw there last night. FOX kept showing fans crying or shaking their head in disbelief. And Joe Buck, who is a notorious Yankee hater, was about to spit fire, I swear. Meanwhile, back on YES Network after the game, Michael Kay was so happy he was talkinga mile a minute. And when Michael Kay gets excited, he uses big words that, while 99% of the population watching can understand him, confuse the hell out of ex-catcher Joe Girardi (I love you, Joe!).

Well, we'll see. May the best team win. Namaste.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Who's Your Daddy?

I'm sorry, the constant chanting of "Who's your daddy?" on television last night finally got to me as well. Okay no, not really all that sorry, to be honest, but I try. Really, the Yankees just held at home. It's kind of like tennis: you want to hold your own serve and it bites if someone breaks it. If Boston had won either game, they would've broken our serve, so to speak. Okay, yes, I just used a sports metaphor in reference to another sport entirely. I need help.

Hehe...Seed of Chucky ad on tv. Brad Dourif and Billy Boyd both do voices in it I just found out (aah, the wonders of http://www.imdb.com). Looks like...an awful movie, just like all of the Chucky's.

Speaking of, I recorded Lost last night. It's speaking of Billy Boyd, that is, not awful Chucky movies. I'm probably going to watch it tonight, since there isn't a baseball game on.

Okay, I hate to dwell on this, but why does Mike Mussina keep getting so close to a perfect game? Two years ago, he went two outs into the ninth with a perfect game, then gave up a dinky single. I mean it's obvious he doesn't actually go for the perfect game, but...but...well, why doesn't he? For me, that is?

Jon Lieber really impressed me. He pitched better than he's pitched since his surgery. Maybe it was because his dad was thiere. This was the first Major League game his dad's ever seen him pitch in. He lives in like Iowa, so he's never gotten the chance to come watch Jon in the big leagues. I thought that Lieber would be totally outclassed by the Red Sox and Pedro last night.

It was great: the dean of my grade in school is a Sox fan. He jokingly threatened to give my Yankee fan friend detention for wearing her Yankee jacket today. One of my old history teachers is also a Sox fan. The dean mandates that we give him 3 days mourning period after we beat them in a series.

Yeah, so anyway, that's really all I have to say for now. Namaste.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Go Yanks! Why does Mussina put me through this torture? That's the third time he's had me thinking he might have a perfect game. The first time, he went two outs into the ninth, then there was a dinky base hit...*grumbles* And you know, he really deserves one...he also deserves a World Series ring. He's been on the Yankees giving a great performance for four years now: just missing the 2000 WS win.

And what's your screenname on MSN? Because I need people to talk to. Most of my friends have AOL, but my dad thinks that AOL is the devil, so I can't get it. I might get AIM or something at some point as well.

Oh, awesome link for you: http://www.fudgethebadger.com/html/chat.html. It's a transcript from what is now apparently and infamous chat on billyboyd.net. Almost all the actor personality quizzes you take now refer to it in some form or another. To sum it up, basically Billy Boyd came onto the chat to talk to people. Elijah, Dom, and their friend Oliver got on as well. They were obviously already a few "sheets to the wind" so to speak. Especially read the parts with Dom. I like him so much more for that chat...it sounds a lot like a conversation I'd have with my friends, really, which is rather scary. Anyway, check it out.

Oh, reminder: Lost, channel ABC 8:00 p.m. tonight. I'm going to record it because I'm going to be watching the Yankee game. Hey, Pedro: Who's your daddy? 1918 forever, baby.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Awesome new computer. And I now have MSN service...and IM apparently. I don't know if any of my friends have MSN IM, though. And it's not like I really know what I'm doing with it, anyway. Hehe...

Well, not a lot to say. Go Yanks! Namaste.

Monday, October 04, 2004

I'm up and running...

Yay! I got my new computer yesterday. It's all pretty and black and shiny. I do need to change the wallpaper and the screensaver, though. If I see the word "Dell" one more time, I think I'm going to jab my eye out with a spork. The computer has the word everywhere.

So why am I still typing from my school computer at the moment? Because I have nothing else to do. I should be studying for my math test or picking up the tape to use to study for the SAT II Spanish Listening, but I just don't feel like it. I have two free periods today (neither of which coincide with a lunch period...my life sucks), so I can do it next period.

Wednesday is the best though. I have first free, so I can sleep an hour late if I want. Then I have third and fifth free. There are only eight periods in a day to begin with.

So I actually saw the first two episodes of "Lost" on Sunday morning. It's not too bad, actually...and I like Dominic Monaghan, so it's good. Isabel: if you want to check it out, it's on ABC on Wednesday at 8 p.m. It will be the third episode coming up. All you need to know is that they got stranded, the pilot was mangled and tossed in a tree, there was a convict (it turns out to be the resourceful dark-haired girl), Dom's character is a cocaine addict, the main character's a doctor, and they all have skeletons in the closet. Oh, and there's a pregnant Australian girl who, as a plot device, will most likely go into labor. She had contractions the first episode, but nothing else happened. And that's really all you need to know...oh, and the creepy guy who looks like Rudy from Survivor (never actually saw Survivor to be honest) told the little boy some secret.

So apparently Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth got engaged. Jude Law and Sienna What's-Her-Name did too. That was actually the first thing I heard when I turned on the radio this morning. Slow news day, I guess. Well, better than hearing, "And President Bush has just sold the U.S. to Canada for a new ranch in Texas and fifty acres of wheat" or something. Woohoo...so who's pumped for the Vice-Presidential debate? And the Presidential one? Let's hope Bush is still drugged on whatever they had him on last debate - I swear he looked drunk.

So you know what I'm going to do when I have time on my new computer? Go to the Barrow Downs: I actually haven't been there since July. Have you been there, Isabel? Did all the idiots leave? Although that won't ever really happen, now will it?

Well, catch you later. Namaste.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Yankees...how you doin'?

Hehe...sorry, Isabel: couldn't help myself. :-P Even though I had my Senior Formal picture today, I was so tempted to wear my Jeter shirt or my "What the Hell's ANSKY?" shirt to school today, since it was Dress-Down Day anyway.

Yeah, so Kerry whooped Bush's ass last night. I honestly thought Bush was going to cry at one point. I hear that all of the Conservative bloggers posted last night saying, "Oh...crap. What are we going to do now?"

Then, to top that off, I turned on YES (Yankees Entertainment and Sports Network...all Steinbrenner, all the time) to see an interview with Gary Sheffield (Sheff!). My dad said, "Ummm...did they win?" I said, "Dad! Look at his hat!" The hat was a Division Championship hat.

Have any of you out there in Bloggerland seen the new show Lost on ABC? I only turned it on because Dominic Monaghan is in it, and I love him. It's such a ridiculously weird show, but I really liked the half hour I saw of it. I'm going to try to record the first two episodes, since they're reshowing them Saturday and I have a friend's party I'm going to.

Well, that's really all that's new at the moment. I have to pack my bag (still writing from school) and get ready to go over to see the possible prom locations they're presenting for us to vote on today (I'm going for the yacht, personally). Namaste.